Creative professional development

Creativity is not just a product. It also needs to inform the way you manage resource, especially human resources.
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Creativity is not just a product. It also needs to inform the way you manage resource, especially human resources.

Because I’m an introvert by nature (no, really!), every now and again I need to retreat into my own space to reenergise. I write, or swim, or ride my bike. Once a year I make a week-long writing retreat in regional Victoria, and the new energy and vision this generates for me is more than enough to power me until the next one. I find it very hard to do nothing; my mind is always off on some adventure, and so I need to find ways of smoothing its space.

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Esther Anatolitis
About the Author
Esther Anatolitis is Deputy Chair of Contemporary Arts Precincts and Honorary Associate Professor at RMIT School of Art.