Grant Details



Grant Amount

Upon application

Applicant Type



All Arts



Arts Queensland

Touring Queensland Fund

The Touring Queensland Fund focuses on supporting regional community access to quality arts and cultural events and products. It supports arts presenters and producers in the delivery of performing arts, visual arts, contemporary music gigs and cultural heritage touring activity.

This fund has 2 streams:

  1. Single-year and single-tour funding for single tours and touring programs including schools touring (within a 12-month period) and tours to present arts products and experiences across Queensland touring circuits or regions.
  2. Multi-year touring funding for touring programs that are not dedicated schools touring within a 2-year period (with the option to extend funding agreements for a third year of programs) that enhance community cultural calendars and grow audiences for Queensland artists and arts organisations across or within regions.

Funding will support tours within and between regions, touring from Brisbane to regional Queensland locations, and tours from regionally based companies to Brisbane.

Note: The Touring Queensland Fund will only support single-year schools touring projects.

For more information, visit Arts Queensland

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