From August 12 to September 20, the highly successful open-call arts exhibition ‘After Walter Hopps’ returns to Platform Arts.
Artists from Geelong, Surf Coast, Bellarine, and surrounding G21 regions are invited to exhibit at Platform Arts on a first-come, first-served basis. The overall aim is to fill the gallery from floor to ceiling, wall to wall, in a show that takes shape both cumulatively and expansively.
This exhibition is inspired by Walter Hopps’ ’36 Hours’ project held at MOTA (Museum of Temporary Art), Washington, USA in 1978. A renowned non-conformist, maverick curator, and transcender of boundaries, Walter Hopps’ seminal project was an invitation for any artist to take their work to the gallery, without any chance of rejection or censorship.
Artists are invited to drop off works in Gallery One at Platform Arts and provide input on where to install the works around those already installed in the space. Installation will take place outside of the drop-off hours by Platform Arts staff. Submissions are free.
With the installation phase closed, After Walter Hopps opens to the public. Artists will have the opportunity to list their work for auction.
The exhibition and auction will close with a celebration party, with prizes kindly donated by Frameline, Geelong.
In 2022, the inaugural ‘After Walter Hopps’ displayed over 200 works and supported 150 artists, culminating in an auction event that brought together members of the arts community from across Geelong and surrounding regions.
To learn more about how to participate as an artist, attend the exhibition, or bid on artworks, visit